Mar 30, 2019
James and John discuss eBay finds: Mac compatibility chart, MacEffects prototype case, and a Drexel Mac. They talk to Mark of MacEffects about their clear case project, and news includes the recent Apple hardware announcements and a pocket Apple Watch case.
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Mar 30, 2019
James and John discuss eBay finds: driveway lot, Takky Mac, and eWorld mugs. They look back at Macworld February 1989, and news includes foldable displays, 35th Mac anniversary, 1984 storyboard, and Advanced Mac Substitute.
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Mar 30, 2019
James and John discuss eBay finds: Apple sign, IIGS upgrade, and the JLPGA PowerBook. John chats with Richard Moss, author of The Secret History of Mac Gaming, and news includes ContrAlto, a barn find, an SE/30 clear case project, and a Lisa gathering.
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Mar 2, 2019
James and John discuss eBay finds: color ImageWriter II ribbons, Apple TV promotional display, iPod Red Sox. They declare their retrolutions for 2019, and news includes an Apple catalog graphic, Mac84, and VCF Northwest.
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