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Apr 26, 2015

James and John discuss eBay finds: Canon CatKodak PowerCD, and Apple signAdam reports from VCF East X, and newsQuickTake 100, Flickr homepage archive, and Floppy Emu Apple II compatibility.


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Apr 19, 2015

James and John discuss eBay finds: Mac bannerblue Apple II+ and Apple 1 collection.  James chats with DJ from Instructables about his Apple II Watch, and news Mac 1984 ad parodyG4 appletini bar, and the first Apple home page.


To see all of the show notes and join our website, visit us at RetroMacCast

Mar 25, 2013

James and John discuss eBay finds: Networking in Hell poster, wooden Apple logo sign, and Apple company ID warning. John gives an update on his SSD-based SE/30, and news includes Basilisk II on Raspberry PiJobs delayiSteveLego Apple II, and Woz at Denver Apple Pi in 1984.

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Feb 6, 2011

James and John discuss eBay Finds: NeXT computer, Apple pins, and Lisa 1 software.  They visit the new Revolution exhibit at the Computer History Museum, and news includes NeXTWORLDMarathon on iPad, and details of the 1984 ad creation

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Jan 15, 2011


James and John discuss eBay Finds: Apple business card holder, Podbrix Woz, Macintosh Portable prototype. They interview the Vintage Mac Museum's Adam Rosen. News includes the App Store, Verizon iPhone, Sierra gaming, and the 25th birthday of the Macintosh Plus.

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